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School Counseling Information

Naviance - Family Connection

Please click here to visit Kimpton Middle School's Naviance - Family Connection.



Middle school students are characterized by rapid physical growth, curiosity about their world and an emerging self-identity. Through a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate school-counseling program, counselors work as a team member with school staff, parents, other school counselors, and the community to create a caring, supportive climate and atmosphere whereby young adolescents can achieve academic success. Middle school counselors enhance the learning process and promote academic achievement. School counseling programs are essential for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set appropriate career goals and realize full academic potential to become productive, contributing members of the world community. The professional middle school counselor holds a master’s degree and required state certification in school counseling.

Middle School Counselors Help With...

  • Academic skills support & planning
  • Organizational, study & test-taking skills
  • Education in understanding self & others, including strengths & weaknesses
  • Coping strategies
  • Peer relationships & effective social skills
  • Communication, problem-solving, decision-making & conflict resolution
  • Career awareness, exploration & planning
  • Substance abuse education
  • Multicultural & diversity awareness
  • Goal-setting & decision-making
  • Transition planning
  • School climate
  • Leadership development

Middle School Counselors Provide…

  • Individual & small group counseling
  • Individual/family/school crisis intervention
  • Peer facilitation
  • Consultation/collaboration
  • Referrals
  • Academic support

How Can A Student See The School Counselor?

  • Bring a self-referral note to the counselors’ office or give it to a teacher.
  • Have a parent call the counselors’ office.
  • Stop by the counselors’ office to set up an appointment.

Who May Refer A Student To The School Counselor?

  • Teachers/ Support Staff
  • Parents
  • Nurse
  • Administrators
  • Self-referred or friend-referred

How Can A Parent Contact The School Counselor?

The counseling staff often has meetings and other counseling duties to tend to in addition to student needs, so if you would like to speak in person, please call the counselors’ office and set up an appointment. You can also call or email your student’s counselor and discuss any concerns if you would prefer to talk on the phone, or send a note directly to the counseling office.


Child Guidance and Family Solutions has a counselor at Kimpton Middle School. Growing stronger families through Behavioral Health Programs & Services by:

* Counseling, Education & Supporting * Cooperating with Community Agencies & Schools * Connecting People with Needed Resources

****In order to utilize Child Guidance a student or parent must contact Mrs. Angely or Mr. Griffin who will then provide the reference to the counselor .****


We provide Effective Solutions for:

* Depression & Anxiety * Behavior Challenges of Young Children

* Grief and Loss * Serious Behavior Challenges of Children of all Ages

* ADHD * Family Stress

* Divorce Stress & Challenges

* Family Adjustment * Parenting

* Victims of Trauma * GLBTQ

*Alcohol/Drug Abuse *School or Workplace stress