NEVER MISS THE BUS AGAIN! Download the Traversa Ride 360 App! Parents and students can access their bus stop location, route, and pick up time on the Traversa Ride 360™ mobile app. The app uses GPS geolocation to show bus arrivals each day! Download the app today on your mobile device or tablet!
How to access the Traversa Ride 360 mobile app:
1. Download “Traversa Ride 360” from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
2. After the app installation is complete, open Traversa Ride 360.
3. When prompted to find your school district, search for the name of the school district your child attends. If you need assistance, please contact your school district.
4. Once you have selected your district, you will proceed to the login page. If you do not already have a registered email, click ‘Register’.
5. To register, enter your email address, password, and name.
6. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in your email to confirm your registration through the Ride 360 website.
7. Log in, then find a student by going to My Students and choosing the + button. This will present the Find a Student screen.
8. Enter the unique information required by your district to find your student. Repeat this step to add additional students. If you need assistance, please contact your school district.
(Enter your student's 6 digit code [omit 00], enter school and grade)
*Kindergarten=KG, Preschool= PK, SMF High School= High School*
9. Once you have linked to a student, click on that student’s profile to see all relevant transportation information.
10. Press the “share” button to share a student link with someone else. Enter the email of the person you would like to share with. That person will receive a confirmation email that will automatically link them to the shared student(s). Recipients must register with Ride 360, if they have not already done so, to access the student information.
11. Regularly check for updates to ensure that your device is running the latest version of the app.
12. Remain logged into the app to receive district notifications, even when the app is not actively running.
The Stow-Munroe Falls City School District’s Fleet Management Department is committed to providing safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation services for students.
The department provides school bus transportation for 2,800 students every day. This includes taking eligible students to and from school, identified non-public programs, athletic events and field trips. The bus fleet is composed of more than 60 district-owned buses that cover over 100 routes, not including extra (field and athletic) trips, encompassing over 2,900 miles driven in a single day
The safety of the students and staff is every bus driver’s top priority. Effective operation and maintenance is key to ensuring their safety.
All school bus drivers must hold a Commercial Driver’s License, Class B with a Passenger endorsement, as well as an “S” endorsement as required for school bus drivers in the United States. The district conducts continuous training that meets state and federal guidelines and regularly screens drivers for drugs and alcohol.
All new hires are fingerprinted and tested for drugs and alcohol prior to employment, as well as provided with the necessary training prior to operation.
Buses must be maintained according to Ohio Highway Patrol regulations and inspection criteria and must meet all requirements under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
The department’s mechanics are all highly qualified and maintain the fleet according to accepted practices and Ohio Highway Patrol protocols.
Because the district transports students throughout the City of Stow, Munroe Falls and beyond, it is especially important to register for transportation as early as possible. If your child requires special education services, please contact the Special Education Office.